
  Three-year Warranty for Industra生外l RO Membrane Elements

  VONTRON RO me麗技mbrane elements shall be理新 used according to the specificatio公家ns and procedures set fort亮姐h by VONTRON TECHNOLO資個GY CO., LTD. (hereinafter re金水ferred to “VONTRON”), and o著吧nly on this condition will VONTRON西外 ensure a three-y房哥ear period of limited quality guarant兵長ee, with the terms specified as foll光物ows:

  VONTRON ensures t離上hat the RO elements manufacture地鐘d and sold are intact in respect of p短慢roduction technolog裡錢ies and materials. VONTRON undertake服關s a 12-month guarantee from 友拍the arrival of the product at the bu下年yer's designated術人 place or port. When V好上ONTRON examined a defection on the pr分空oduct in accordance with this高區 clause, VONTRON guarantee兒鄉s to repair or rep暗票lace it without any charge厭要s.

  Performance A黃姐ssurance

  1. According to the test conditions s業票pecified in the product sample, the ne森道w membrane prod水兵ucts have the initia報生l performance spec近愛ified in the br從來ochure.

  2. VONTRON wa上北rrants the performance of its上影 elements for t日長hree years from the da暗他te when the RO system is put int就公o operation or 6 months 國時after the goods is shipped (whi校大chever occurs first), dur醫店ing which period VONTRON warrants as fo訊看llows:

  Performance of element within a t煙影hree-year period of li器窗mited warranty

  (1) When used or tested und子離er standard test短商 conditions, and the pressu唱子re of initial average water production,船玩 the average salt passage should 市我not exceed 2 times o見外f the value specified in 弟來the Product Manual.

  (2) When used o老習r tested under test conditi會冷ons, the average water permeate flow 笑技is no less than 70% of the minimum v個爸alue specified in t什新he Product Manual.

  Initial Performance

  VONTRON guarantees the initial mi區農nimum permeate fl到中ow and rejection rate as specified in地場 the technical specifications村朋. These paramete鐘這rs are obtained 數答under standard testing conditions set f多是orth by VONTRON. If these membra刀制ne elements fail to reach the minim鐵這um initial values as specif好行ied, VONTRON will, after confirming 這師the performance failure, r藍朋epair the membrane業線 elements or refund to custo數可mers for those defective membrane坐暗 elements, in which case VONTRON 靜讀will bear the freight charges.

  In case the buyer fails to satisfy a東你ny of the following能你 requirements, VO門區NTRON will bear no lia空北bility on the three-year 一工quality warranty mentioned above東雜:

  ⑴ Feed water turbidity 空刀exceed 1.0NTU; SDI15(15min, 30psi) exceed 5; 木河feed water temperature higher than 45℃到紙.

  ⑵ Feed water contains any har現國mful substance that may cause phys算日ical and chemical damage to the memb到爸rane elements.

  ⑶ Before being installed or put into湖都 operation, the membrane eleme冷窗nts shall be stored in ori筆她ginal packing box 件著and preserved at the temp影知erature not higher than 45℃ for關購 dry-type membranes and at the temperat黑學ure within 0~45℃ for wet-type 什現membranes.

  ⑷ The pH value of feed water sh金樹all be within the range of討做 3~10 during regula老唱r running. When the system is cl信書eaned, the pH val讀離ue of feed water shal北老l be within 2~12.

  ⑸ The feed water shall 老風not contain such oxidizing subs好近tances such as chlorine, potas遠從sium permanganate and司跳 hypochlorous acid radi就近cal, etc. (Notes: This clause is no土業t applicable to HOR series)做醫

  ⑹ The maximum operating 農年pressure for membrane ele弟水ment is as follows (except othe船山rwise specified in the pro笑制duct instructions):

  Membrane SeriesMax Operating Pres師廠sure

Membrane Series

Max Operating Pressure

XLP Series

600 psi

 ULP Series

600 psi

 LP Series

600 psi

SW Series

1200 psi

ZERO-HP Series 1200 psi

 FR&PURO Seri影內es

600 psi

HOR Series

600 psi


1740 psi


  ⑺ In any case, the b不訊ackpressure exerted on the m個銀embrane element shoul得兒d not exceed 5 psi, a電外nd the membrane element shou家術ld be avoided from t線銀he impact of water hammer when the 制志system is in operation.

  ⑻ If under standar答雨d operating conditions,湖朋 the performance of system decr電物eases by 10% or the contaminat哥畫ion or scaling occurs, the 黃海membrane elements should be clean路民ed immediately in 車地accordance with spe要資cified procedures.

  ⑼ Membrane assembly arrangement,問亮 instrument configuration, recove作民ry rate and other s對會ystem components and design param我器eters should be consisten如分t with the engineeri不紙ng design; VONTRON re腦都nders no liability 舊你on the damage of membrane 裡睡elements caused by improper operation雨河 during the inst國章allation process.

  ⑽ It is required that user should fr校用equently and syste下有matically record the standardi弟費zed performance data of the whole syste明討m and its subsyste有數ms, ensure that these data are ge從音nuine, complete and consistent, and k媽花eep these data on file for fut可雨ure reference. When c頻謝ompensation is claime河不d, this information will be the南時 evidence.

  The Conditions of Forming空雨 a RO System

  ① Completed and effective pretrea要弟tment, arrangement of membrane componen市見ts, installation of instruments, design新拍 standards of equipm麗師ent and components should comply wi船電th VONTRON Reverse Osmosis M站體embrane Design Guidelines and子刀 related technical standards. VONT從數RON has the right 動鐵to check whethe吃腦r the design meets the design 湖就guidelines and re她好lated technical standards.

  ② The RO system shall be equipp外車ed with proper dev長爸ices and applicable protective measures化生 to prevent the br海看eeding of microbial contamination a麗些nd other kinds 在從of contamination西嗎.

  Conditions of Feed Water

  ①The feed water of RO 車我system must ensure that the membrane su藍都rface will not suffer the adhesio化開n by any of the c東水olloidal matter靜地, microorganism or other sediments

  ② The RO membrane should be free廠看 from the damage of those harmful 黃嗎chemicals, such as surfa有村ctant, organic solvent, g會林rease, high-molecul為們ar polymer, etc.

  ③ The feed water should be free fro光亮m any strong oxidat放子ive substance, such as o電就zone, chlorine or potassi音木um permanganate, etc.

  ④ The feed water t雪上emperature shall be月問 lower than 45℃.

  ⑤ The SDI15 of feed water shall be lower t綠業han 5 all the ti訊要me, and the maximum美師 turbidity of feed water shall很區 be less than 1.0NTU,在火 while the turb購了idity of feed water in continuous醫微 operation shall be contr到醫olled within 0.3~0.5NTU, and the玩他 SDI15 shall be prefer現對ably lower than 3.

  ⑥ The feed water should not co近技ntained any colloidal sulfur.

  Operating Conditio花女ns

  ① The most suitable system reco但我very rate should be determined acco大他rding to the degree of prec站腦ipitation of insoluble substance訊城s

  ② During the operation,姐作 the RO system shall be 道讀surely free from scaling formed by 器事calcium, magnesium, bar民了ium, strontium, and si時知licon, etc.

  ③ When the high-pressure pump is身制 running, the RO system shall b市姐e equipped with special-purpose device 得電to prevent RO elements f愛東rom being affec美亮ted by the water到去 hammer.

  ④ The RO system shall use the chemica見空ls as recommended or p低就ermitted by VONTRON.

  Cleaning Conditions

  Refer to VONTRON Membrane 河西Element Cleaning Guidelines

  Important notice during the use of R拍和O elements

  ① For the recommende音為d design scope, ple工匠ase refer to the l拿美atest version of VONTRON technical m兵熱anual, design guide, or consult wit歌農h technical experts. If the user得雜 does not strict件些ly follow the op雪紙erating conditions, VONTRON bears no 問票consequences arisi舊國ng from the defa日聽ult.The storage of membrane elements文船 should be in accordance with 務木the stipulations indica綠友ted in the product manual. Keep el鐘見ements moist con裡國stantly after using. 嗎花The wet-type elements have been trea商站ted with the preservative s我不olution made of RO p體妹urified water and 1.北東0% sodium hydrogen sulfite (an ant哥輛ifreeze solution o白慢f 10% propanetriol is requir著金ed in winter), then sealed wi黑銀th plastic bags 土醫in vacuum, and further p兒技acked in carton boxes.

  ② The RO water produced in the fir雨紙st hour of running 自鄉shall be discarded.

  ③ During stor筆區age and run time, it is strictly prohi北用bited to dose any chemical me問子dicament that may be友窗 harmful to membrane elements習好. In case of any violation 章鐵in using this kind of chemical 場去medicament, VONTRON assumes no liabilit兒對y.

  ④ For initial flushing of membrane慢雨 elements, it is recommended that 紅快the membrane elements shall 村舊be flushed with properly pre輛就treated water for 15~25 minutes 快看under low pressure (not suit兒問able for soaking or overnight soaking外刀), and then be fl農音ushed for 60~90 minutes under 北但high pressure (water pe為船rmeate flow not業了 less than 50% of designed音離 system capacity). Scale i男體nhibitors are not allowed to b麗坐e added in low pressure flushing. Scal黃些e inhibitors are added in high press市技ure operation fl如樂ushing. All permeate water and b船亮rine water should be discharg國在ed in the process of flushing.

  Warranty Stateme好話nt:

  Any failure or refusal to pro畫南vide complete information紙務 of VONTRON RO membrane pr志站oducts will invalidate 草微the warranty.

  This warranty statement excludes an醫還y indirect, punitive, implicative, spe光科cial liability for d司懂amages.

  7-2 Membrane Products線子 Repair and Removal Procedure

  In case the customer r拿木equests to implement th路船e procedures on repair a是我nd replacement of me購風mbrane elements, t小愛he following procedures問國 set forth by VONTRON shall be 東間implemented:

  7-2-1 Membrane Elemen中少t Repair Procedure腦弟

  It is necessary to contact VONTRO師雪N regional sales man子水ager before obtai媽裡ning the approval of repairing.

  The repairing and repla樹睡cement testing procedure can得嗎 be two options: on不那e is call for V說美ONTRON technician亮媽s to come to the si務和te for testing; the你不 other is the customer se朋民nd membrane element back to 的著VONTRON for testing.

   In case of on-the女還-spot inspection and 事樹testing:

  ⑴ For the produc河個ts within the quality guarantee peri區舊od and the problems caused林土 by the membrane mater快匠ials or the production technologies,員生 VONTRON shall, upon the有中 completion of the inspection and testi得飛ng, bear all th作南e expenses for inspection, te新火sting and the freight.

  ⑵ For the products within the qual購多ity guarantee period鄉就 but the problems坐商 which are not caused by the 嗎工membrane materials or the production te廠微chnologies, the customer shal拍但l, upon completion of the inspection a畫花nd testing, bear 姐下all the expenses for ins朋花pection and the fr很討eight.

  ⑶ As for the produc唱慢ts beyond the quality guarantee 明女period, the customer sha女西ll, upon completion of the inspection a師北nd testing, bear all the ex拿鄉penses for inspection and testing and東和 the freight charges.

  ② In case of 火為returning the elements to VONTRON for i現公nspection and tes空短ting:

  ⑴ The customer shall fill in “Regis爸通tration Form for 睡體Return, Repair and Replacement of M拍微embrane Element(s)”, and send it 業著to the regional sales mana會紅ger by e-mail, fax or o用也ther ways. Upon confirmation, the訊嗎 regional sales manager shall notify身算 the customer to retu冷白rn the membrane elements.

  ⑵ Beside returning t村上he membrane element, the customer sh輛火all also provide the f暗遠ollowing information:

  ■ Model and seria小生l number of membrane eleme藍白nt, and contract numb白我er.

  ■ Detailed descript電匠ion of failures of product

  ■ All data that can reflect the pro技習perties of membr空兵ane element(s) returned, such as re和司jection rate, temperature, pressure,醫是 salt concentration of f討那eed water, and permeate flow, etc少很.

  Packaging and Tran廠妹sportation

  ① Before return為森ing transportat聽術ion, the customer shall t會朋ake all necessary mea日不sures to protect and store the membr能文ane elements as stipulat銀這ed in the terms set forth 得那in the technical announ我快cement.

  ② The returned elements s南新hall be packed in sealed pla空錢stic bags and t市到hen placed in the 高線carton boxes to avoid mechanical damag媽如e in the course of transportation, an新機d shall be surely兵樹 kept away from moisture and e跳議xposure to sunlight.

  ③ After obtained行民 the return notice from VONTRON跳還, the customer 哥照shall send out the membrane elemen動舞t(s) as soon as pos短房sible in order to avoid 來白the change in propertie農行s of membrane eleme秒志nt(s).

  Inspection and Testi舊煙ng Procedure

  ① In case it is necessary to電校 conduct destruc些能tive experiment on th民花e returned membrane element(s)上個 for the purpose of techn電好ical inspection, VONTRON sha街子ll, upon having its regional sales m玩離anager of VONTRON contacting the 靜不customer and obtaining authoriz行唱ation from the customer, carry 你金out the destructive experiment.

  ② As for the me懂要mbrane element(s) within 船街the quality guarant報師ee term, if the testing resul低地t proves that the proble車間m of membrane element(s) is not c睡關aused by the membrane mater樹體ials or the producing process, the道照 customer shall bear all of the expen習物ses for inspection and t自妹esting, and cannot get any com紙章pensation. VONTRON will, accor玩船ding to the instructi票飛ons of customer, dispose of the membr能志ane element(s) or, at the c黃話ustomer's charges, send back the為子 element(s) to the customer.

  ③ In case the testing r看得esult proves that there actually exists司機 defect in the material兵遠 or producing process of the話請 membrane element(s), VONTRON will 不短bear the expenses for inspection and te多飛sting; Besides, the customer can o間喝btain the membrane element地廠(s) compensated by VONTRON th電問at are in conformity w些市ith the technica兵鄉l specifications, with t樂大he freight charges.

  ④ As for the m還吃embrane element(s) beyond the quality 兵新guarantee term, the customer shall bea友你r all the expenses for inspecti在靜on, testing and replacement of me弟中mbrane element(s) as well a是問s the freight charges.

  Additional Provisions

  In case VONTRON doesn't receive 什朋the membrane element(s) w資公ithin the specified time, it will你和 notify the customer熱什 of ending the repair program. In gene問國ral case, the sp兒河ecified time shall be within one m體草onth from the date when the customer醫小 receives the Regis件女tration Form for Repair and子你 Replacement of Membrane Elements si一近gned by the regiona公會l sales manager of VON拿錯TRON.

  The quality warranty sha女生ll be invalidated upo問話n the occurrence of any of the f南用ollowing:

  ■ The membrane element no ser可能ial number on the label.

  ■ It is obviously visible that t員舞he membrane element(s文市) has suffered the cont我拍amination in operatio事通n.

  ■ The mechanical damage is obvio內長usly visible, which is caused in 水房the course of service.

  ■ The membrane element has been da木內maged due to improper storage or tran場內sportation.

  ■ The membrane element(s) has/have be什紙en transformed without the permiss問見ion of VONTRON.