Power Industry

Power Industry Successful C兵計ase

  1. Background

  The power indu長匠stry is an important basic energy i路女ndustry in the development of the nati好務onal economy. The i開家nvention of electricity has promoted 林木the development of moder雨哥n civilization and is an important遠唱 industry that boosts的你 the development of the national econ還見omy and social progress of the country.友關 However, an inevita年頻ble problem for global power in日也dustry is the issue of water你生 treatment. The power system has spec船火ial requirements 說船for water quality, an個熱d a suitable water treatment見日 system can greatly但綠 save energy, red兒些uce the cost of the大高 power industry, be environmentall窗舊y friendly, and achieve ec場雪onomic and sustainab物要le development. Water t東劇reatment in the power ind弟煙ustry has always been雪亮 an important concern of the舊筆 industry.

  The advent of reverse os頻時mosis membrane t亮道echnology has proposed a goo離草d solution for power wa亮裡ter treatment. Whi坐著le ensuring the quality of the師光 circulating co林玩oling water and boi費公ler feed water, it can also contr鐘上ol the water quantity through water 件劇reuse, which greatly reduces wa外兒ter consumption and the cost農校 of water product但快ion.

  2. Case: Water Recycling Proj理森ect of Thermal Power Plant



The project is one of the key pro厭校jects at the municipal level笑購, which is supported by the st熱吧ate for energy conserv劇了ation, emission reduct慢明ion and the development of circu答水lar economy.

Project Location:Liaon好了ing China

Water Quality:Standard Lever 2 Sewag民年e water

Use of Permeate water:Circulate 低會Cooling water

Time in Operation:200畫大6


Type of Element:Fouling Resistant Elements

Operation Lifetime:Over 7林訊 years

  3. Cost: Benefit Analysis

  The cost of fi讀筆xed asset depreciation, energy 章電consumption, chemical consumption 又訊and labor costs is RMB 2.70 / t (inclu很空ding raw water cost of RMB 0.48 and now reclaimed們視 water cost of RMB 0.42 ). At present, t外著he local price of tap water is&nbs道公p;RMB 4.42 / t. The p上鐵roject can save about 3.2 million tons 動遠of tap water each year and save abou但制t RMB 5.5 million in the cost of purchasing 分銀tap water. In addition, the co算在mpany can save RMB 3.4 million per year in terms of 弟玩follow-up processing costs, sav現近ing RMB 8.9 million / year in total, 村電and the investment 員訊can be recovered in 3 years. Furth議下ermore, the proj著的ect can reuse 4.8 million t雜舊ons of secondary effl費車uent from urban sewage treatment plant裡醫s each year, reduce COD emissio和花ns by more than 300男的 tons, and reduce ammonia 關喝nitrogen emissio書科ns by about 140 tons,外吧 which has obvious 美說economic and environmental benefit紙爸s.