Service Process

Pre-sales service:

Develop plans for new prod爸有ucts, new technologies, new field pro關美motion meetings, and product 子化and technology promotion plans i花做n professional fields, or media跳間

On sale service:

Plans for knowled車愛ge and skills training of pro黃媽duct application and test電理ing, providing RO membrane 老鄉system design scheme or par子也ticipation plan
Process: The mar黑兒keting department and R &姐哥amp; D center will provide custome間少rs with on-site training in 拿是product application and test音技ing knowledge and skills; participate 下暗in the design of customers’ RO s玩錢ystem solutions and現從 field application guidance; 舞書help customers establ城商ish and implement product a火麗pplication, testing and maint城從enance standards and opera問花tions guiding book.

After-sale service:水校

Quality assurance s志長ervices during product票對 use, acceptance of product qua吧民lity complaints and cu的湖stomer service requests, customer car們但e, etc.